

Your new home


Cygnus has many unique features like, the ability to add widgets, change the order of the widgets, customize said widgets, change colors of all the widgets, change the font of them, and many more.
Cygnus also has a fuzzy search app drawer, which in a less tech savvy way of saying it, you can't have very bad grammar and it'll still find the app you were searching for just fine. It is more sophisticated than Apple's own as they hardly even have one to begin with. 
Cygnus's settings are also made to be very easy to navigate and be as non confusing as possible, as it's supposed to have a layout that's very natural.


  1. Install Cygnus (This will auto install the latest XenHTML, version 2.0 and up is needed)
  2. Preferably move icons away from the first page
    1. It is recommended to use the first page as doing so will let you have no icons on the page, as you can't do it many other ways, however I bet there's a way! (Giving an app an invisible icon etc)
    2. When the first page has no icons it doesn't disappear unlike other pages, this is also why we use it.
  3. Go into edit mode/wiggle mode
  4. Click add widget while on the page
  5. Click "Cygnus" configure it and click "Done"

If you wanna edit the settings later on you go into wiggle/edit mode again and click "Settings" and you can change things again

* Fixed an issue where some months would show the incorrect month, and December would show up as "undefined"
* Fixed not all files being minified
Version 1.2.1
Downloads 330
Author 0neGal
iOS Version(s) 11.0-14.8